
Friday, 5 April 2013

Part 3 - Colour - Exercise 1 - Strength of Colour

For this first exercise of this section 'Colour', I took a photography of an object of a definite colour and filled the frame with it. Firstly taking an averagely metered shot then a further 4 shots, 2 stopping half a stop down at a time then 2 stopping half a stop up at a time from the original.

The 5 images are shown below and my noted comments on the difference in colour of each are shown below the images.

f4 1/40sec
f4.5 1/40sec
f5.6 1/40sec
f6.3 1/40sec
f8 1/40sec
I took shots of a blue face cloth in soft light. The original average metered image was taken at f5.6 and I worked from there to get the other images. 
Apart from the obvious difference in exposure I feel the darker images have more strength than the brighter shots. There seems more intensity to the darker images whereas the brighter ones are weak and pale in comparison. There is a feeling of the colour being drained out of the brighter images, and unintentionally the fact this is a picture of a cloth it might be possible to imagine blue paint is being added to a white cloth and as more is added the more like the darker images it becomes. If the cloth was then to be rinsed out then as the paint runs out and leaves a weakly stained cloth the more like the brighter images it would become.
This is my answer and views of the differences of the colour in these shots.